
Acting on the Lord’s Will

God is omniscient; He knows if we will or won’t do as He asks, but we learn more from actually doing what is asked of us than from His knowing whether or not we would. For us, the bigger benefit is in passing through the trial.

Knowledge Isn’t Enough

Walking Jesus’s path doesn’t require us to merely accumulate knowledge. The difference is made when we use that knowledge to change our daily walk.

According to Our Heart’s Desires

One of Jesus’s many roles in the plan of salvation is Judge. The scriptures teach that He will judge us according to works—a perhaps scary prospect for imperfect mortals. But He has included an important qualifier.

A Distant, Faded Memory

Many of the parables I’ve written over the last three years were based on something I was thinking about or that was going on in my life. The Parable of the Doctor Visit came out of an important principle that the Holy Ghost taught me when I was going through a difficult period.

The Flowering of Hope

When does hope really grow? Is it when life is easy? It’s when life grows dark that hope must bloom and burst forth.

He Stretches out His Hand

While the Parable of the Prisoner and the Benefactor wasn’t easy to write due to some of the subject matter, it holds a lot of meaning for me.

A Question of Value

We’re all going to fill our backpacks with souvenirs of some kind in life. Those offered by Jesus Christ are of greater value than others.

From Whence Our Blessings Come

The phrase “Do what feels good” has been used to promote a pleasure-seeking lifestyle. But maybe it’s just a counterfeit version of gospel truth.

Haste to Repent

We all commit sin, and sin is like a terminal illness. The good news of the gospel is that it has a known cure.

Restoration to Innocence

We begin our lives in innocence, but along the road we lose it. Could it be possible that we can reclaim our innocence?


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